Last updated on 2025-03-12 | Edit this page
{:auto_ids} assignment operator
: the symbol (commonly <-) used to assign a value to a variable in
- console
- the interactive command-line interface where R commands are entered and executed.
- data frame
- a table-like data structure used to store data in rows and columns, where each column can be of a different type.
- dplyr
- a package that provides a set of functions for efficient and intuitive data manipulation.
- environment
- a collection of symbol-value pairs (objects) that exist during an R session.
- factor
- a data type used to represent categorical variables in R.
- function
- a block of reusable code designed to perform a specific task when called with inputs.
- ggplot2
- a package that implements the grammar of graphics to create complex data visualizations.
- knitr
- a package that converts R Markdown documents into reports in various formats by executing the embedded R code.
- library
- a command used to load a package into the current R session.
- list
- a data structure that can hold a collection of objects, which may be of different types or structures.
- object
- an entity in R that stores data or functions, including variables, vectors, data frames, and lists.
- package
- a collection of R functions, data, and compiled code that extends R’s capabilities.
- R
- a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
- R Markdown
- a document format that integrates text, code, and output to create dynamic and reproducible reports.
- reproducible research
- the practice of sharing data, code, and documentation so that analyses can be independently verified and repeated.
- RStudio
- an integrated development environment for R that provides tools for writing, debugging, and visualizing code.
- script
- a file containing a sequence of R commands that can be executed together.
- tidy data
- a standardized way of organizing data where each variable is a column and each observation is a row.
- variable
- a name that stores a value or object in R.
- vector
- a one-dimensional array that contains elements of the same type.
- workspace
- the current session’s memory that holds all user-defined objects like variables and functions.