Content from Introduction to SQL

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Estimated time: 15 minutes



  • What is SQL?
  • Why is it significant?
  • What is the relationship between a relational database and SQL?


  • Define a relational database.
  • Explain what SQL is and why to use it.
  • Identify library and information skills that relate to using SQL

What is SQL?

Structured Query Language, or SQL (sometimes pronounced “sequel”), is a powerful language used to interrogate and manipulate relational databases. It is not a general programming language that you can use to write an entire program. However, SQL queries can be called from programming languages to let any program interact with databases. There are several variants of SQL, but all support the same basic statements that we will be covering today.

Relational databases

Relational databases consist of one or more tables of data. These tables have fields (columns) and records (rows). Every field has a data type. Every value in the same field of each record has the same type. These tables can be linked to each other when a field in one table can be matched to a field in another table. SQL queries are the commands that let you look up data in a database or make calculations based on columns.

Why use SQL?

SQL is well established and has been around since the 1970s. It is still widely used in a variety of settings.

SQL lets you keep the data separate from the analysis. There is no risk of accidentally changing data when you are analysing it. If the data is updated, a saved query can be re-run to analyse the new data.

SQL is optimised for handling large amounts of data. Data types help quality control of entries - you will receive an error if you try to enter a word into a field that should contain a number. Understanding the nature of relational databases, and using SQL, will help you in using databases in programming languages such as R or Python.

Many web applications (including WordPress and e-commerce sites like Amazon) run on a SQL (relational) database. Understanding SQL is the first step in eventually building custom web applications that can serve data to users.

Library work is about information management. As library workers, we help sort and organise information, and we help people find information. Most of us go through mediated queries to help people find the information they need, e.g., we assist with or conduct a search via a library catalogue. With SQL, you can directly construct your database queries without the constraints (e.g., field name or search limitations) imposed by a mediated search interface. Library workers are good at searching information – constructing queries using SQL is a different and more direct way of finding information.

What are some of the uses for SQL in libraries?

  • You can use SQL to make macro or large scale changes to metadata records in library databases, for instance, updating journal names so that they are consistent or normalised throughout the database.

  • For situations where you have to interact with database administrators in your library or wider organisation, you can learn the fundamentals of SQL to become more fluent in the terminology.

  • Because SQL querying is similar to natural language queries, you can use it to organise a variety of projects (e.g. programme evaluation) and ask questions of the data before going on to use other data analysis tools.

  • You can use SQL to query your library database and explore new views that are not necessarily provided via library systems patron facing interfaces.

  • SQL can be used to keep an inventory of items, for instance, for a library’s makerspace, or it can be used to track licences for journals.

  • For projects involving migrating and cleaning data from one system to another, SQL can be a handy tool.

  • With spreadsheets of data scattered throughout folders, SQL can be a useful tool for connecting this data and bringing it together in a database or central data warehouse where it can be accessible to different roles in the library and queried in one place.

  • It can also help with initial exposure with interacting with a system, in preparation for interacting with a application programming interface or API later on.

In addition, you can read about these two perspectives:

Database Management Systems

There are a number of different database management systems for working with relational data. We’re going to use SQLite today, but basically everything we teach you will apply to the other database systems as well (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS Access, Filemaker Pro). The only things that will differ are the details of exactly how to import and export data and possibly some differences in datatype.

Introduction to DB Browser for SQLite

Let’s all open the database we downloaded via the setup in DB Browser for SQLite.

You can see the tables in the database by looking at the left hand side of the screen under Tables.

To see the contents of a table, click on “Browse Data” then select the table in the “Table” dropdown in the upper left corner.

If we want to write a query, we click on the “Execute SQL” tab.

There are two ways to add new data to a table without writing SQL:

  1. Enter data into a CSV file and append
  2. Click the “Browse Data” tab, then click the “New Record” button.

To add data from a CSV file:

  1. Choose “File” > “Import” > “Table from CSV file…”
  2. Select a CSV file to import
  3. Review the import settings and confirm that the column names and fields are correct
  4. Click “OK” to import the data. If the table name matches an existing table and the number of columns match, DB Browser will ask if you want to add the data to the existing table.

Dataset Description

The data we will use was created from 5 csv files that contain tables of article titles, journals, languages, licences, and publishers. The information in these tables are from a sample of 51 different journals published during 2015.


  • Contains individual article titles and the associated citations and metadata.
  • (16 fields, 1001 records)
  • Field names: id, Title, Authors, DOI, URL, Subjects, ISSNs, Citation, LanguageID, LicenceID, Author_Count, First_Author, Citation_Count, Day, Month, Year


  • Contains various journal titles and associated metadata. The table also associates Journal Titles with ISSN numbers that are then referenced in the ‘articles’ table by the ISSNs field.
  • (5 fields, 51 records)
  • Field names: id, ISSN-L,ISSNs, PublisherID, Journal_Title


  • ID table which associates language codes with id numbers. These id numbers are then referenced in the ‘articles’ table by the LanguageID field.
  • (2 fields, 4 records)
  • Field names: id, Language


  • ID table which associates Licence codes with id numbers. These id numbers are then referenced in the ‘articles’ table by the LicenceID field.
  • (2 fields, 4 records)
  • Field names: id, Licence


  • ID table which associates Publisher names with id numbers. These id numbers are then referenced in the ‘journals’ table by the PublisherID field.
  • (2 fields, 6 records)
  • Field names: id, Publisher

A Note About Data Types

The main data types that are used in doaj-article-sample database are INTEGER and TEXT which define what value the table column can hold.

SQL Data Type Quick Reference

Different database software/platforms have different names and sometimes different definitions of data types, so you’ll need to understand the data types for any platform you are using. The following table explains some of the common data types and how they are represented in SQLite; more details available on the SQLite website.

Data type Details Name in SQLite
boolean or binary this variable type is often used to represent variables that can only have two values: yes or no, true or false. doesn’t exist - need to use integer data type and values of 0 or 1.
integer sometimes called whole numbers or counting numbers. Can be 1, 2, 3, etc., as well as 0 and negative whole numbers: -1, -2, -3, etc. INTEGER
float, real, or double a decimal number or a floating point value. The largest possible size of the number may be specified. REAL
text or string any combination of numbers, letters, symbols. Platforms may have different data types: one for variables with a set number of characters - e.g., a zip code or postal code, and one for variables with an open number of characters, e.g., an address or description variable. TEXT
date or datetime depending on the platform, may represent the date and time or the number of days since a specified date. This field often has a specified format, e.g., YYYY-MM-DD doesn’t exist - need to use built-in date and time functions and store dates in real, integer, or text formats. See Section 2.2 of SQLite documentation for more details.
blob a Binary Large OBject can store a large amount of data, documents, audio or video files. BLOB

Key Points

  • SQL is a powerful language used to interrogate and manipulate relational databases.
  • People working in library- and information-related roles have skills that allow them to use SQL to organize and access data.

Content from Selecting and sorting data

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 20 minutes



  • What is a query?
  • How do you query databases using SQL?
  • How do you retrieve unique values in SQL?
  • How do you sort results in SQL?


  • Understand how SQL can be used to query databases
  • Understand how to build queries, using SQL keywords such as DISTINCT and ORDER BY

What is a query?

A query is a question or request for data. For example, “How many journals does our library subscribe to?”. When we query a database, we can ask the same question using Structured Query Language (SQL) in what is called a statement. Some of the most useful queries - the ones we are introducing in this first section - are used to return results from a table that match specific criteria.

Writing my first query

Let’s start by opening DB Browser for SQLite and the doaj-article-sample database (see Setup). Click “Browse Data” and select the articles table in the “Table” dropdown menu. The articles table contains columns or fields such as Title, Authors, DOI, URL, etc.

Let’s write a SQL query that selects only the Title column from the articles table.


SELECT title
FROM articles;

Capitalization and good style

In the first query above, we have capitalized the words SELECT and FROM because they are SQL keywords. Even though capitalization makes no difference to the SQL interpreter, capitalization of these SQL terms helps for readability and is therefore considered good style. As you write and expand your own queries, it might be helpful to pick an option, such as CamelCase, and use that style when naming tables and columns. Some tables and columns require capitalization and some do not. An occasional change of capitalization for these table and column names may be needed.



SELECT Title, Authors, ISSNs, Year
FROM Articles;

instead of


SELECT Title, authors, ISSNs, Year
FROM articles;

If we want more information, we can add a new column to the list of fields right after SELECT:


SELECT Title, Authors, ISSNs, Year, DOI
FROM articles;

Or we can select all of the columns in a table using the wildcard *:


FROM articles;

Unique values

There may be a situation when you need to retrieve unique records and not multiple duplicate records. The SQL DISTINCT keyword is used after SELECT to eliminate duplicate records and fetch only unique records. Let’s return all of the unique ISSNs in a SQL query.


FROM articles;

Note, some database systems require a semicolon ; after each SQL statement. If we select more than one column, then the distinct pairs of values are returned.


FROM articles;


We can also sort the results of our queries by using the keyword ORDER BY. Let’s create a query that sorts the articles table in ascending order by ISSNs using the ASC keyword in conjunction with ORDER BY.


FROM articles

The keyword ASC tells us to order it in ascending order. Instead, we can use DESC to get the descending order sorting by First_Author.


FROM articles
ORDER BY First_Author DESC;

ASC is the default, so by omitting ASC or DESC, SQLite will sort ascending (ASC).

We can also sort on several fields at once, in different directions. For example, we can order by ISSNs descending and then First_Author ascending in the same query.


FROM articles


Write a query that returns Title, First_Author, ISSNs and Citation_Count from the articles table, ordered by the top cited article and alphabetically by title.


SELECT Title, First_Author, ISSNs, Citation_Count
FROM articles
ORDER BY Citation_Count DESC, Title ASC;

Key Points

  • SQL is ideal for querying databases
  • SQL queries have a basic query structure starting with SELECT field FROM table with additional keywords and criteria that can be used.

Content from Filtering

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 30 minutes



  • How can I filter data?


  • Write queries that SELECT data based on conditions, such as AND, OR, and NOT.
  • Understand how to use the WHERE clause in a statement.
  • Learn how to use comparison keywords such as LIKE in a statement.


SQL is a powerful tool for filtering data in databases based on a set of conditions. Let’s say we only want data for a specific ISSN, for instance, for the Acta Crystallographica journal from the articles table. The journal has an ISSN code 2056-9890. To filter by this ISSN code, we will use the WHERE clause.


FROM articles
WHERE ISSNs = '2056-9890';

We can add additional conditions by using AND, OR, and/or NOT. For example, suppose we want the data on Acta Crystallographica published after October:


FROM articles
WHERE (ISSNs = '2056-9890') AND (Month > 10);

Parentheses are used merely for readability in this case but can be required by the SQL interpreter in order to disambiguate formulas.

If we want to get data for the Humanities and Religions journals, which have ISSNs codes “2076-0787” and “2077-1444”, we can combine the tests using OR:


FROM articles
WHERE (ISSNs = '2076-0787') OR (ISSNs = '2077-1444');

When you do not know the entire value you are searching for, you can use comparison keywords such as LIKE, IN, BETWEEN...AND, IS NULL. For instance, we can use LIKE in combination with WHERE to search for data that matches a pattern.

For example, using the articles table again, let’s SELECT all of the data WHERE the Subject contains “Crystal Structure”:


FROM articles
WHERE Subjects LIKE '%Crystal Structure%';

You may have noticed the wildcard character %. It is used to match zero to many characters. So in the SQL statement above, it will match zero or more characters before and after ‘Crystal Structure’.

Let’s see what variations of the term we got. Notice uppercase and lowercase, the addition of ‘s’ at the end of structures, etc.

To learn more about other comparison keywords you can use, see Beginner SQL Tutorial on SQL Comparison Keywords.


Write a query that returns the Title, First_Author, Subjects, ISSNs, Month and Year for all papers where Subjects contains “computer” and that have more than 8 citations.


SELECT Title, First_Author, Subjects, ISSNs, Month, Year
FROM articles
WHERE (Subjects LIKE '%computer%') AND (Citation_Count > 8);

You can continue to add or chain conditions together and write more advanced queries.

Key Points

  • Use WHERE to filter and retrieve data based on specific conditions.
  • Use AND, OR, and NOT to add additional conditions.
  • Use the comparison keyword LIKE and wildcard characters such as % to match patterns.

Content from Ordering and commenting

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 15 minutes



  • What is the order of execution in SQL queries?
  • How can you organize and comment more complex SQL queries?


  • Understand how to build queries, and the order in which to build the parts.

Order of execution

Let’s say we had the following query:


SELECT Title, Authors
FROM articles
WHERE ISSNs = '2067-2764|2247-6202'
ORDER BY First_Author ASC;

What is interesting to note about this query is that we don’t necessarily have to display the First_Author column in our results in order to sort by it.

We can do this because sorting occurs earlier in the computational pipeline than field selection.

The computer is basically doing this:

  1. Filtering rows according to WHERE
  2. Sorting results according to ORDER BY
  3. Displaying requested columns or expressions.

Clauses are written in a fixed order: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, then ORDER BY. It is possible to write a query as a single line, but for readability, we recommend to put each clause on its own line.

Complex queries & commenting

The goal is to make a query easy to read and understand, even when the logic becomes complex. This can be handled in two ways:

  1. Rewriting the query so that the logic is easy to follow
  2. Adding comments for context and clarity.

Consider the following query:


FROM articles
WHERE (ISSNs = '2076-0787') OR (ISSNs = '2077-1444')
      OR (ISSNs = '2067-2764|2247-6202');

SQL offers the flexibility of iteratively adding new conditions but you may reach a point where the query is difficult to read and inefficient. For instance, we can use IN to improve the query and make it more readable:


FROM articles
WHERE (ISSNs IN ('2076-0787', '2077-1444', '2067-2764|2247-6202'));

We started with something simple, then added more clauses one by one, testing their effects as we went along. For complex queries, this is a good strategy, to make sure you are getting what you want. Sometimes it might help to take a subset of the data that you can easily see in a temporary database to practice your queries on before working on a larger or more complicated database.

When the queries become more complex, it can be useful to add comments to express to yourself, or to others, what you are doing with your query. Comments help explain the logic of a section and provide context for anyone reading the query. It’s essentially a way of making notes within your SQL. In SQL, comments begin using -- and end at the end of the line. To mark a whole paragraph as a comment, you can enclose it with the characters /* and */. For example, a commented version of the above query can be written as:


/*In this section, even though JOINS (see link below this code block)
are not introduced until Episode 6, we want to give an example how to
join multiple tables because they represent a good example of using
comments in SQL to explain more complex queries.*/

-- First we mention all the fields we want to display
SELECT articles.Title, articles.First_Author, journals.Journal_Title,
-- from the first table
FROM articles
-- and join it with the second table.
JOIN journals
-- The related attributes are:
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs
-- We want to join a third table,
JOIN publishers
-- the related attributes are:
ON = journals.PublisherId;

To see the introduction and explanation of JOINS, please click to Episode 6.

Key Points

  • Queries often have the structure: SELECT data FROM table WHERE certain criteria are present.
  • Comments can make our queries easier to read and understand.

Content from Aggregating and calculating values

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 20 minutes



  • How can we aggregate values in SQL for reports?
  • Can SQL be used to make calculations?


  • Use SQL functions like AVG in combination with clauses like Group By to aggregate values and return results for reports.
  • Make calculations on fields using SQL.


SQL contains functions which allow you to make calculations on data in your database for reports. Some of the most common functions are MAX, MIN, AVG, COUNT, SUM, and they will: MAX (find the maximum value in a field), MIN (find the minimum value in a field), AVG (find the average value of a field), COUNT (count the number of values in a field and present the total), and SUM (add up the values in a field and present the sum).

Let’s say we wanted to get the average Citation_Count for each of the ISSNs. We can use AVG and the GROUP BY clause in a query:


SELECT ISSNs, AVG(Citation_Count)
FROM articles

GROUP BY is used by SQL to arrange identical data into groups. In this case, we are arranging all the citation counts by ISSNs. AVG acts on the Citation_Count in parentheses. This process is also called aggregation which allows us to combine results by grouping records based on value and calculating combined values in groups.

As you can see, it is difficult to tell though what ISSN has the highest average citation count and the least. We can improve upon the query above by using ORDER BY and DESC.


SELECT ISSNs, AVG(Citation_Count)
FROM articles
ORDER BY AVG(Citation_Count) DESC;


Write a query using an aggregate function that returns the number of article titles per ISSNs, sorted by title count in descending order. Which ISSN has the most titles? (Hint to choosing which aggregate function to use - it is one of the common aggregate functions MAX, MIN, AVG, COUNT, SUM.)


FROM articles

The HAVING keyword

SQL offers a mechanism to filter the results based on aggregate functions, through the HAVING keyword.

For example, we can adapt the last request we wrote to only return information about journal ISSNs with 10 or more published articles:


FROM articles
HAVING COUNT(Title) >= 10;

The HAVING keyword works exactly like the WHERE keyword, but uses aggregate functions instead of database fields. When you want to filter based on an aggregation like MAX, MIN, AVG, COUNT, SUM, use HAVING; to filter based on the individual values in a database field, use WHERE.

Note that HAVING comes after GROUP BY. One way to think about this is: the data are retrieved (SELECT), can be filtered (WHERE), then joined in groups (GROUP BY); finally, we only select some of these groups (HAVING).


Write a query that returns, from the articles table, the average Citation_Count for each journal ISSN but only for the journals with 5 or more citations on average.


SELECT ISSNs, AVG(Citation_Count)
FROM articles
HAVING AVG(Citation_Count) >= 5;


In SQL, we can also perform calculations as we query the database. Also known as computed columns, we can use expressions on a column or multiple columns to get new values during our query. For example, what if we wanted to calculate a new column called CoAuthor_Count:


SELECT Title, ISSNs, Author_Count - 1 as CoAuthor_Count
FROM articles
ORDER BY CoAuthor_Count DESC;

In section 6. Joins and aliases we are going to learn more about the SQL keyword AS and how to make use of aliases - in this example we simply used the calculation and AS to represent that the new column is different from the original SQL table data.

We can use any arithmetic operators (like +, -, *, /, square root SQRT or the modulo operator %) if we would like.

If you would like to learn more about calculated values, the Software Carpentry Databases and SQL lesson includes a useful episode on Calculating New Values.

Key Points

  • SQL can be used for reporting purposes.
  • Queries can do arithmetic operations on field values.

Content from Joins and aliases

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 45 minutes



  • How do I join two tables if they share a common point of information?
  • How can I use aliases to improve my queries?


  • Understand how to link tables together via joins.
  • Understand when it is valuable to use aliases or shorthand.


The SQL JOIN clause allows us to combine columns from one or more tables in a database by using values common to each. It follows the FROM clause in a SQL statement. We also need to tell the computer which columns provide the link between the two tables using the word ON.

Let’s start by joining data from the articles table with the journals table. The ISSNs columns in both these tables links them.


FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs;

ON is similar to WHERE, it filters things out according to a test condition. We use the table.colname format to tell the SQL manager what column in which table we are referring to.

We can represent a LEFT join using the following diagram.

Join Diagram for Example

Alternatively, we can use the word USING, as a short-hand. In this case we are telling DB Browser that we want to combine articles with journals and that the common column is ISSNs.


FROM articles
JOIN journals

This figure shows the relations between the tables and helps to visualise joining or linking the tables in the database: Articles Database We will cover relational database design in the next episode. In addition to visual above, SQL Join Types Explained Visually provides visual/animated examples to help convey to learners what is happening in SQL JOINs.

When joining tables, you can specify the columns you want by using table.colname instead of selecting all the columns using *. For example:


SELECT articles.ISSNs, journals.Journal_Title, articles.Title,
       articles.First_Author, articles.Month, articles.Year
FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs;

Joins can be combined with sorting, filtering, and aggregation. So, if we wanted the average number of authors for articles on each journal, we can use the following query:


SELECT articles.ISSNs, journals.Journal_Title,
       ROUND(AVG(articles.Author_Count), 2)
FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs
GROUP BY articles.ISSNs;

The ROUND function allows us to round the Author_Count number returned by the AVG function by 2 decimal places.


Write a query that JOINS the articles and journals tables and that returns the Journal_Title, total number of articles published and average number of citations for every journal ISSN.


SELECT journals.Journal_Title, COUNT(*), AVG(articles.Citation_Count)
FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs
GROUP BY articles.ISSNs;

You can also join multiple tables. For example:


SELECT articles.Title, articles.First_Author, journals.Journal_Title, publishers.Publisher
FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs
JOIN publishers
ON = journals.PublisherId;


Write a query that returns the Journal_Title, Publisher name, and number of articles published, ordered by number of articles in descending order.


SELECT journals.Journal_Title, publishers.Publisher, COUNT(*)
FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs
JOIN publishers
ON = journals.PublisherId
GROUP BY Journal_Title

There are different types of joins which you can learn more about at SQL Joins Explained.


As queries get more complex, names can get long and unwieldy. To help make things clearer we can use aliases to assign new names to items in the query.

We can alias both table names:


SELECT ar.Title, ar.First_Author, jo.Journal_Title
FROM articles AS ar
JOIN journals AS jo
ON ar.ISSNs = jo.ISSNs;

And column names:


SELECT ar.title AS title,
       ar.first_author AS author,
       jo.journal_title AS journal
FROM articles AS ar
JOIN journals AS jo
ON ar.issns = jo.issns;

The AS isn’t technically required, so you could do:


SELECT a.Title t
FROM articles a;

But using AS is much clearer so it is good style to include it.

Key Points

  • Joining two tables in SQL is an good way to analyse datasets, especially when both datasets provide partial answers to questions you want to ask.
  • Creating aliases allows us to spend less time typing, and more time querying!

Content from Saving queries

Last updated on 2023-05-02 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 30 minutes



  • How can I save a query for future use?
  • How can I remove a saved query?


  • Learn how to save repeated queries as ‘Views’ and how to drop them.

Saving queries for future use

It is not uncommon to repeat the same operation more than once, for example for monitoring or reporting purposes. SQL comes with a very powerful mechanism to do this: views. Views are queries saved in the database. You query it as a (virtual) table that is populated every time you query it.

Creating a view from a query requires you to add CREATE VIEW viewname AS before the query itself. For example, if we want to save the query giving the number of journals in a view, we can write:


CREATE VIEW journal_counts AS
FROM articles

Now, we will be able to access these results with a much shorter notation:


FROM journal_counts;

Assuming we do not need this view anymore, we can remove it from the database.


DROP VIEW journal_counts;

In DBBrowser for SQLite, you can also create a view from any query by omitting the CREATE VIEW viewname AS statement and instead, clicking the small Save icon at the bottom of the Execute SQL tab and then clicking Save as view. Whatever method you use to create a view, it will appear in the list of views under the Database Structure tab.


Write a CREATE VIEW query that JOINS the articles table with the journals table on ISSNs and returns the COUNT of article records grouped by the Journal_Title in DESC order.


CREATE VIEW journal_counts AS
SELECT journals.Journal_Title, COUNT(*)
FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs
GROUP BY Journal_Title

Key Points

  • Saving queries as ‘Views’ allows you to save time and avoid repeating the same operation more than once.

Content from Database design

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 45 minutes



  • What is database design?


  • Use Entity Relationship Diagrams to visualise and structure your data.


In libraries, spreadsheets are often created to keep lists of a variety of things like an inventory of equipment, reference statistics, or items to review for purchase (See What are some of the uses for SQL in libraries?). Spreadsheets, sometimes referred to as tabular data or flat files, are an easy way to display data organized in columns and rows. Column headers describe the data contained in corresponding columns. Each row is a record (sometimes called an observation) with data about it contained in separate column cells.

Spreadsheets can make data gathering easier but they can also lead to messy data. Over time, if you gather enough data in spreadsheets, you will likely end up with inconsistent data (i.e. misformatted, misspelled data).

Identifying inconsistencies in spreadsheet data

In the figure below, can you identify where inconsistencies in the data have been introduced?

OpenRefine DOAJ Sample Article Data
  1. The data in the “Language” column is formatted in two ways, as an abbreviation and the full word;
  2. The full names of authors are used, in first name to last name order, with middle name abbreviated, separated by pipes;
  3. Date format is MM/DD/YYYY and not the commonly used ISO 8601 format;
  4. The “Subjects” column delimits data by pipes and the data is in a variety of formats such as abbreviations, classifications, and sometimes capitalised. Can you spot anything else?

Designing a relational database for your data can help reduce the places where these errors can be introduced. You can also use SQL queries to find these issues and address them across your entire dataset. Before you can take advantage of all of these tools, you need to design your database.

Database Design

Database design involves a model or plan developed to determine how the data is stored, organized and manipulated. The design addresses what data will be stored, how they will be classified, and the interrelationships between the data across different tables in the database.


Fields, Records, Values

In the Introduction to SQL lesson, we introduced the terms “fields”, “records”, and “values”. These terms are commonly used in databases while the “columns”, “rows”, and “cells” terms are more common in spreadsheets. Fields store a single kind of information (text, integers, etc.) related to one topic (title, author, year), while records are a set of fields containing specific values related to one item in your database (a book, a person, a library).

To design a database, we must first decide what kinds of things we want to represent as tables. A table is the physical manifestation of a kind of “entity”. An entity is the conceptual representation of the thing we want to store information about in the database, with each row containing information about one entity. An entity has “attributes” that describe it, represented as fields. For example, an article or a journal is an entity. Attributes would be things like the article title, or journal ISSN which would appear as fields.

To create relationships between tables later on, it is important to designate one column as a primary key. A primary key, often designated as PK, is one attribute of an entity that distinguishes it from the other entities (or records) in your table. The primary key must be unique for each row for this to work. A common way to create a primary key in a table is to make an ‘id’ field that contains an auto-generated integer that increases by 1 for each new record. This will ensure that your primary key is unique.

It is useful to describe on an abstract level the entities we would like to capture, along with how the different entities are related to each other. We do this using and entity relationship diagram (ER diagram or ERD).

Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram or ERD)

ERDs are helpful tools for visualising and structuring your data more efficiently. They allow you to map relationships between concepts and ultimately construct a relational database. The following is an ERD of the database used in this lesson:

Articles Database

Or you can view the interactive version of the ERD.

Relationships between entities and their attributes are represented by lines linking them together. For example, the line linking journals and publishers is interpreted as follows: The ‘journals’ entity is related to the ‘publishers’ entity through the attributes ‘PublisherId’ and ‘id’ respectively.

Conceptually, we know that a journal has only one publisher but a publisher can publish many journals. This is known as a one-to-many relationship. In modeling relationships, we usually assign a unique identifier to the ‘one’ side of the relationship and use that same identifier to refer to that entity on the ‘many’ side. In ‘publishers’ table, the ‘id’ attribute is that unique identifier. We use that same identifier in the ‘journals’ table to refer to an individual publisher. That way, there is an unambiguous way for us to distinguish which journals are associated with which publisher in a way that keeps the integrity of the data (see the Normalisation section below).

More Terminology

The degree of relationship between entities is known as their ‘cardinality’. Using the journals-publishers example, the ‘publishers’ table contains a primary key (PK) called ‘id’. When the PK is used to create a connection between the original table and a different table, it is called a foreign key (FK) in the other table. To follow the example, we see a field in the ‘journal’ table called PublisherID that contains the values from the ‘id’ field in the ‘publisher’ table, connecting the two tables.

There are 4 main types of relationships between tables:

  • One to One - each item in the first table has exactly one match in the second table.
  • One to Many - each item in the first table is related to many items in the second table, sometimes represented as 1 to * or 1 to ∞
  • Many to One - many items in the first table is related to one item in the second table.
  • Many to Many - many items in the first table are related to many items in the second table.

In our previous example of the ‘PublisherID’ field in the ‘journals’ table, the ‘publisher’ table has a one to many relationship with the journals table. This is because one publisher may publish many journals, so it will appear multiple times in that field.

A key attribute is often included when designing databases to facilitate joins.


ERDs are helpful in normalising your data which is a process that can be used to create tables and establish relationships between those tables with the goal of eliminating redundancy and inconsistencies in the data.

In the example ERD above, creating a separate table for publishers and linking to it from the journals table via PK and FK identifiers allows us to normalise the data and avoid inconsistencies. If we used one table, we could introduce publisher name errors such as misspellings or alternate names as demonstrated below.

Introducing inconsistencies and normalising data

There are a number of normal forms in the normalisation process that can help you reduce redundancy in database tables. Study Tonight features tutorials where you can learn more about them.

Identifying remaining inconsistencies in the ERD

Are there other tables and relationships you can create to further normalise the data and avoid inconsistencies?

For this exercise, you can either use pencil/pen and paper to draw new tables and relationships or use to modify the ERD above.

  1. An ‘authors’ table can be created with a many-to-many relationship with the ‘articles’ table and an associative entity or bridge table between them.
  2. A ‘subjects’ table can be created with a many-to-many relationship with the ‘articles’ table and a bridge table between them. Can you spot anything else?

Additional database design tutorials to consult from Lucidchart:

Key Points

  • Database design is helpful for creating more efficient databases.

Content from Creating tables and modifying data

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 25 minutes



  • How can I create, modify, and delete tables and data?


  • Write statements that create tables.
  • Write statements to insert, modify, and delete records.

So far we have only looked at how to get information out of a database, both because that is more frequent than adding information, and because most other operations only make sense once queries are understood. If we want to create and modify data, we need to know two other sets of commands.

The first pair are CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE. While they are written as two words, they are actually single commands. The first one creates a new table; its arguments are the names and types of the table’s columns. For example, the following statement creates the table journals:


CREATE TABLE journals(id text, ISSN-L text, ISSNs text, PublisherId text, Journal_Title text);

We can get rid of one of our tables using:


DROP TABLE journals;

Be very careful when doing this: if you drop the wrong table, hope that the person maintaining the database has a backup, but it’s better not to have to rely on it.

We talked about data types earlier in Introduction to SQL: SQL Data Type Quick Reference.

When we create a table, we can specify several kinds of constraints on its columns. For example, a better definition for the journals table would be:


CREATE TABLE "journals" (
	"ISSN-L"        TEXT,
	"ISSNs"	        TEXT,
	"PublisherId"   INTEGER,
	"Journal_Title"	TEXT,
	CONSTRAINT "PublisherId" FOREIGN KEY("PublisherId") REFERENCES "publishers"("id") 

Once again, exactly what constraints are available and what they’re called depends on which database manager we are using.

Once tables have been created, we can add, change, and remove records using our other set of commands, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

Here is an example of inserting rows into the journals table:


INSERT INTO "journals"
VALUES (1,'2077-0472','2077-0472',2,'Agriculture');
INSERT INTO "journals"
VALUES (2,'2073-4395','2073-4395',2,'Agronomy');
INSERT INTO "journals"
VALUES (3,'2076-2616','2076-2616',2,'Animals');

We can also insert values into one table directly from another:


CREATE TABLE "myjournals"(Journal_Title text, ISSNs text);
INSERT INTO "myjournals" 
SELECT Journal_Title, ISSNs 
FROM journals;

Modifying existing records is done using the UPDATE statement. To do this we tell the database which table we want to update, what we want to change the values to for any or all of the fields, and under what conditions we should update the values.

For example, if we made a typo when entering the ISSNs of the last INSERT statement above, we can correct it with an update:


UPDATE journals
SET ISSN-L = 2076-2615, ISSNs = 2076-2615
WHERE id = 3;

Be careful to not forget the WHERE clause or the update statement will modify all of the records in the database.

Deleting records can be a bit trickier, because we have to ensure that the database remains internally consistent. If all we care about is a single table, we can use the DELETE command with a WHERE clause that matches the records we want to discard. We can remove the journal Animals from the journals table like this:


DELETE FROM journals
WHERE Journal_Title = 'Animals';

But now the article Early Onset of Laying and Bumblefoot Favor Keel Bone Fractures from the table articles has no matching journal anymore. That’s never supposed to happen: Our queries assume there will be a row ISSNs in the table ‘journals’ matching every row ISSNsin the table articles.


Write an SQL statement to add the journal “New Journal of Physics” (ISSNs & ISSNs: 1367-2630; publisher: “Institute of Physics (IOP)”) to the table journals. You need to add the publisher “IOP” to the table publishers as well.


INSERT INTO "publishers"
VALUES (7,'Institute of Physics (IOP)');
INSERT INTO "journals"
VALUES (52,'1367-2630','1367-2630',7,'New Journal of Physics');

Backing Up with SQL

SQLite has several administrative commands that aren’t part of the SQL standard. One of them is .dump, which prints the SQL commands needed to re-create the database. Another is .read, which reads a file created by .dump and restores the database. A colleague of yours thinks that storing dump files (which are text) in version control is a good way to track and manage changes to the database. What are the pros and cons of this approach? (Hint: records aren’t stored in any particular order.)


  • A version control system will be able to show differences between versions of the dump file; something it can’t do for binary files like databases
  • A VCS only saves changes between versions, rather than a complete copy of each version (save disk space)
  • The version control log will explain the reason for the changes in each version of the database


  • Artificial differences between commits because records don’t have a fixed order

Adapted from the Software Carpentry Course “Databases and SQL”, Chapter 9. ‘Creating and Modifying Data’.

Key Points

  • Use CREATE and DROP to create and delete tables.
  • Use INSERT to add data.
  • Use UPDATE to modify existing data.
  • Use DELETE to remove data.
  • It is simpler and safer to modify data when every record has a unique primary key.
  • Do not create dangling references by deleting records that other records refer to.

Content from Other database tools

Last updated on 2023-05-02 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 5 minutes



  • Are there other database tools that I can use besides DB Browser and SqliteOnline?


  • Point to additional resources on other database tools.

Other database tools

For this lesson, DB Browser, a free open source database tool was used, but there are other tools available, both proprietary and open. A helpful comparison of database tools is available via Wikipedia.

SqliteOnline is the free online database tool offered as an alternative to DB Browser for this lesson. In addition to SqliteOnline, there is which also allows you to work online with SQL and (library) datasets and includes a tutorial. SQL use in Google Sheets, a popular spreadsheet application, is even a possibility, demonstrated via Ben Collin’s tutorial. There is also a business standard software package called, MySQL, which has a community edition that can be downloaded free.

Key Points

  • There are additional database tools beyond DB Browser and SqliteOnline.

Content from Extra challenges (optional)

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 35 minutes



  • Are there extra challenges to practice translating plain English queries to SQL queries?


  • Extra challenges to practice creating SQL queries.

Extra challenges (optional)

SQL queries help us ask specific questions which we want to answer about our data. The real skill with SQL is to know how to translate our questions into a sensible SQL queries (and subsequently visualise and interpret our results).

Have a look at the following questions; these questions are written in plain English. Can you translate them to SQL queries and give a suitable answer?

Also, if you would like to learn more SQL concepts and try additional challenges, see the Software Carpentry Databases and SQL lesson.

Challenge 1

How many articles are there from each First_author? Can you make an alias for the number of articles? Can you order the results by articles?


SELECT First_Author, COUNT(*) AS n_articles
FROM articles
GROUP BY First_Author
ORDER BY n_articles DESC;

Challenge 2

How many papers have a single author? How many have 2 authors? How many 3? etc?


SELECT Author_Count, COUNT(*)
FROM articles
GROUP BY Author_Count;

Challenge 3

How many articles are published for each Language? Ignore articles where language is unknown.


SELECT Language, COUNT(*)
FROM articles
JOIN languages
ON articles.LanguageId =
WHERE Language != ''
GROUP BY Language;

Challenge 4

How many articles are published for each Licence type, and what is the average number of citations for that Licence type?


SELECT Licence, AVG(Citation_Count), COUNT(*)
FROM articles
JOIN licences
ON articles.LicenceId =
WHERE Licence != ''
GROUP BY Licence;

Challenge 5

Write a query that returns Title, First_Author, Author_Count, Citation_Count, Month, Year, Journal_Title and Publisher for articles in the database.


SELECT Title, First_Author, Author_Count, Citation_Count,
       Month, Year, Journal_Title, Publisher
FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.issns = journals.ISSNs
JOIN publishers
ON = journals.PublisherId;

Key Points

  • It takes time and practice to learn how to translate plain English queries into SQL queries.

Content from Good Style

Last updated on 2024-03-26 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 10 minutes



  • What is good SQL Style, and how can I abide by SQL conventions?


  • Understand the foundation for making clean, readable SQL queries.

An Introduction to good style

There are many ways to write an SQL queries, but some look better than others. Abiding by good style guidelines will make your SQL queries easier to read, especially if you are sharing them with others. These are some quick tips for making your SQL look clean.

Pick column names that are precise and short

When choosing column names, it’s important to remember that a large part of what you type in your query will be composed of your column names. Choosing a column name that is one or two words (without any spaces!) will ensure that your queries are easier to type and read. If you include spaces in your column names, you will get an error message when you try to run your queries, so we would recommend using CamelCase, or An_Underscore.

Capitalization (sometimes) matters

In section two, we talked about SQL keywords/commands being case-insensitive (“We have capitalised the words SELECT and FROM because they are SQL keywords. This makes no difference to the SQL interpreter as it is case-insensitive, but it helps for readability and is therefore considered good style.”). But did you know that in some SQL programs, depending on the settings, table and column names are case sensitive? If your query isn’t working, check the capitalization.


As you may have noticed, we are able to write our query on one line, or on many. The general consensus with SQL is that if you can break it into components on multiple lines, it becomes easier to read. Using multiple lines and indenting, you can turn something that looks like this:


SELECT articles.Title, articles.First_Author, journals.Journal_Title, publishers.Publisher FROM articles JOIN journals ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs JOIN publishers ON = journals.PublisherId;

Into something that looks like this:


SELECT articles.Title, articles.First_Author, journals.Journal_Title,
FROM articles
JOIN journals
ON articles.ISSNs = journals.ISSNs
JOIN publishers
ON = journals.PublisherId;

In some programs (such as MySQL), there will be tools that can automatically “beautify” your code for better readability.

Key Points

  • There are many ways to write an SQL queries, but some look better than others.