Learner Profiles
Learner 1
Linda Cutter
Linda received their MLIS three years ago. After graduation, they accepted an entry-level metadata position where they continue to work in the Metadata Management unit within the Discovery and Collections area. They have been learning the ins and outs of the library’s LSP. They have knowledge of Connexion, OpenRefine, and MS office suite tools.
Due to a recent retirement, Linda is now tasked with batch loading bibliographic eresource title sets into the LSP. The workflows require knowledge of MarcEdit. Linda has heard of this tool but hasn’t used it. Her colleague who retired has shown them the workflows involved. However, Linda needs a better understanding of MarcEdit.
Once a month, Linda needs to download the appropriate set, prepare that metadata set in MarcEdit, and then batch load the set into the LSP.
Linda enjoys learning new tools. However, this work was assigned to them without them being consulted. They have to learn how to fit this new work into everything else. Linda is worried that they won’t be able to learn all the bits and pieces appropriately to do a good job. She is going up for promotion next year.
Library Carpentry will teach Linda how to work with a MARC file in MarcEdit in terms of adding and removing information.
Learner 2
Sam Classification
Sam Classification received a MS in Information Science eight years ago. He has just started his third job where there is a backload of portuguese books to catalog. This is just one of the many backlogs.
Sam’s task is to automate a way to catalog these portugues books. His starting point is MarcEdit, Z39.50 and OCLC WorldShare API. He applied for an API key with OCLC. He has been unable to find information on using Z39.50 and the OCLC API. He is unsure which one is better and how to set them up. Right now, Sam is frustrated with the lack of information.
Sam left his old job because of workplace bullying. He lacks confidence and hesitates to ask questions.
Library Carpentry will teach Sam the difference between Z39.50 and the OCLC API integration in MarcEdit with information that he can take back to work to complete his task.
Learner 3
Mica MeSH
Mica received her BA in English three years ago. Thanks to her experience working in a Library as a student, she landed a full time paraprofessional job in technical services. Mica is responsible for copy cataloging. Mica loves her job and enrolled in a library science program. Since then, she has taken on more complex tasks at work. She is now looking towards work with batch sets of metadata. She took a webinar on MarcEdit. However, she wasn’t able to apply it and needs a refresher.
English is Mica’s second language. She sometimes hesitates to speak as she’s been made fun of for her accent. She is also highly motivated to get her degree and skills that offer her an edge once she graduates to get a good job.
Library Carpentry will refresh Mica’s knowledge of basic MarcEdit tasks and teach her more complex tasks such as finding duplicate fields, reporting and field counts, and using scripts to automate a suite of tasks.