What is the shell?

  • The shell is powerful
  • The shell can be used to copy, move, and combine multiple files

Navigating the filesystem

  • Knowing where you are in your directory structure is key to working with the shell

Working with files and directories

  • The shell can be used to copy, move, and combine multiple files

Automating the tedious with loops

  • Looping is the foundation for working smarter with the command line
  • Loops help us to do the same (or similar) things to a bunch of items

Counting and mining with the shell

  • The shell can be used to count elements of documents
  • The shell can be used to search for patterns within files
  • Commands can be used to count and mine any number of files
  • Commands and flags can be combined to build complex queries specific to your work

Working with free text

  • Shell tools can be combined to powerful effect